The oracle engine uses a work area for its internal processing in
order to execute an SQL statement. This work area is private to SQL’s operations
and is called a cursor.
Implicit Cursor: Implicit cursor is declared by pl/sql implicitly for all DML statement
& for single row.
Explicit Cursor: Explicit cursors are declare explicitly by the user, explicit cursor are for queries only and allow multiple rows to be processed from the query Defined in the declare section of the plsql block.
Explicit Cursor: Explicit cursors are declare explicitly by the user, explicit cursor are for queries only and allow multiple rows to be processed from the query Defined in the declare section of the plsql block.
You have made it like:
Cursor C1 is select ename from emp;
Ref Cursor: Ref Cursor is object name of
the cursor type. It’s mainly used for dynamic purpose.
TYPE ref_type_name IS REF
CURSOR [RETURN return_type]TYPE empcurtype IS REF CURSOR [RETURN emp%type]