Monday, 1 April 2013

How to register concurrent program from back end in oracle apps

Usually we create Concurrent program in the front-end, but this can be done from the database tier too.
Below is the program to create a Concurrent program from back-end.


                     FND_PROGRAM.register('Concurrent program for ErpSchools Employee Information' -- program
                                                                 , 'XXMZ Custom' -- application
                                                                 , 'Y' -- enabled
                                                                 , 'XXMZ_ERPSCHOOLS_EMPLOYEE' -- short_name
                                                                 , 'ErpSchools Employee Information' -- description
                                                  , 'XXMZ_ERPSCHOOLS_EMPLOYEE' -- executable_short_name
                                                                 , 'XXMZ Custom' -- executable_application
                                                                 , '' -- execution_options
                                                                 , '' -- priority
                                                                 , 'Y' -- save_output
                                                                 , 'Y' -- print
, '' -- cols

                                                                , '' -- rows
                                                                 , '' -- style
                                                                 , 'N' -- style_required
                                                                 , '' -- printer
                                                                 , '' -- request_type
                                                                 , '' -- request_type_application
                                                                 , 'Y' -- use_in_srs
                                                                 , 'N' -- allow_disabled_values
                                                                 , 'N' -- run_alone
                                                                 , 'TEXT' \x{2013} output_type
                                                                 , 'N' -- enable_trace
                                                                 , 'Y' -- restart
                                                                 , 'Y' -- nls_compliant
                                                                 , '' -- icon_name
                                                                 , 'US'); -- language_code

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