Friday, 28 June 2013

What are difference between post database commit and post-form commit?

Post-form commit fires once during the post and commit transactions process, after the database commit occurs. The post-form-commit trigger fires after inserts, updates and deletes have been posted to the database but before the transactions have been finalized in the issuing the command. The post-database-commit trigger fires after oracle forms issues the commit to finalized transactions.

Post - Commit fires after leaving the form and before actually committing data in the database.

Post Database Commit fires after committing data in the database.

Is forms is a object oriented tool? Why?

Yes, partially.
1) PROPERTY CLASS: inheritance property
2) OVERLOADING: procedures and functions.

FND tables in Oracle APPS?

FND_FORM stores information about your registered application forms.
FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS stores information about function grouping in forms.
FND_MENUS list the menus that appear in the navigate window.
FND_MENU_ENTRIES stores information about individual entries in the menus in FND_MENUS
FND_USER stores information about application users.
Responsibilities assigned to application users.
FND_DATA_GROUPS stores information about different data groups.
FND_DATA_GROUP_UNITS stores information about oracle database accounts associated with various applications under different data groups.
Application registered with oracle application object library.

Concurrent FND tables in Oracle APPS?

FND_EXECUTABLES stores information about concurrent program executables.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS stores information about concurrent programs. Each row includes a name and description of the concurrent program.
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS stores information about individual concurrent request.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES stores information about concurrent managers. Each row includes value that identify the oracle process, the operating process, and the concurrent manager (QUEUE_APPLICATION_ID & CONCURRENT_QUEUE_ID)
FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSORS stores information about immediate (subroutine) concurrent program libraries. Each row includes the name and description of the library.

HZ Tables in Oracle APPS (AR)?

hz_parties (party_id): (store info about org, groups and people)
HZ_PARTIES stores information about parties such as organizations, people, and groups, including the identifying address information for the party.

hz_cust_accounts (cust_account_id):
Account_number -- (called as Customer_number)
HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS stores information about customer relationships. If a party becomes a customer, information about the customer account is stored in this table. You can establish multiple customer relationships with a single party, so each party can have multiple customer account records in this table.

hz_cust_acct_sites_all  (cust_acct_site_id):
HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL stores information about customer sites. One customer account can have multiple sites. The address is maintained in HZ_LOCATIONS.

hz_cust_site_uses_all   (site_use_id):
HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL stores information about site uses or business purposes. A single customer site can have multiple site uses, such as bill to or ship to, and each site use is stored as a record in this table.

hz_party_sites (party_site_id):
HZ_PARTY_SITES stores information about the relationship between Parties and Locations. The same party can have multiple party sites. Physical addresses are stored in HZ_LOCATIONS.

hz_locations (location_id):
HZ_LOCATIONS stores information about physical locations.

hz_Person_Profiles (person_profile_id):
HZ_PERSON_PROFILES stores detail information about people.

hz_Organization_Profiles (organization_profile_id):
HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES stores credit rating, financial statistics, socioeconomic and corporate linkage information for business sites. The primary key for this table is ORGANIZATION_PROFILE_ID.

This table stores the contact details of the customer. The contact details are stored against a site, if owner_table_name is equated against the hz_party_sites table. If it is equated against the hz_parties then the contacts are against the customer not against the customer site.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

What is PCT Free & PCT Used

PCT Free: PCT Free is used to denote the percentage of the free space that is to be left when creating a table. This parameter tells oracle how much space to leave in each oracle block for future updates. This defaults to 10. If table will have large number of updates, a larger value is needed. If the table will be static, small value can be used.

PCT Used: PCT Used is used to denote the percentage of the used space that is to be used when creating a table. This parameter tells oracle the minimum level of space in a block to maintain. Default is 40. A block becomes a candidate for updates if its storage falls below PCTUSED.
PCTUSED + PCTFREE should not exceed 100. A high PCTUSED value results in more efficient space utilization but higher overhead, as oracle must work harder to maintain the free block list.

eg.:: Pctfree 20, Pctused 40

What is Autonomous Transactions?

Autonomous Transaction is an independent transaction started by another transaction, then main transaction. At the time of execution it suspends the main transaction (without committing or rolling back), perform some DML operations, commit or roll back those operations (without any effect on the main transaction), and then resume the main transaction.

AT always execute within an autonomous scope.

1.     At the time execution, AT is fully independent, it share no lock, resource, or commit dependencies with the main transaction.

Monday, 24 June 2013

What are mutating tables?

When a table is in state of transition it is said to be mutating. If a row has been deleted then the table is said to be mutating and no operations can be done on the table except select.

Is it possible to have same name for package and the procedure in that package?

Yes it is possible.

How can we disable database trigger?

Yes. With respect to table

Forward Declarations in PLSQL?

Oracle PL/SQL has a neat and little known feature called forward declaration. In this post going to do a quick review of what forward declaration is how it can be used and a situation in which forward declarations are absolutely required, mutual recursion.

As you already know, PL/SQL requires that you declare elements (variables, procedures and functions) before using them in your code. For example:
  2  IS
  3     FUNCTION my_func
  4        RETURN NUMBER;
  5  END my_pkg;
  6  /
Package created.
  2  AS
  3     FUNCTION my_func
  4        RETURN NUMBER
  5     IS
  6     BEGIN
  7        RETURN my_func2;
  8     END my_func;
 10     FUNCTION my_func2
 11        RETURN NUMBER
 12     IS
 13     BEGIN
 14        RETURN 0;
 15     END my_func2;
 16  END my_pkg;
 17  /
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
SQL> show errors

Thursday, 13 June 2013

What is the difference between static and dynamic lov?

The static lov contains the predetermined values.
Dynamic lov contains values that come at run time.

How do you use the same lov for 2 columns?

We can use the same lov for 2 columns by passing the return values in global values and using the global values in the code.

Can u have OLE objects in forms?


Can u set default font in forms?

Yes, Change windows registry(regedit). Set form45_font to the desired font.

Difference between System.current_field & System.cursor_field?

System.current_field gives name of the field.
System.cursor_field gives name of the field with block name.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Can one Maximize/ Minimize a Window in Forms?

On MS-Windows, Forms run inside a Windows Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) window. You can use SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY on the window called FORMS_MDI_WINDOW to resize this MDI (or any other named) window. Examples:
        set_window_property(FORMS_MDI_WINDOW, WINDOW_STATE, MINIMIZE);
        set_window_property(FORMS_MDI_WINDOW, POSITION, 7, 15);
        set_window_property('my_window_name', WINDOW_STATE, MAXIMIZE);

What is the difference between NAME_IN and COPY?

Copy is package procedure and writes values into a field.
Name in is a package function and returns the contents of the variable to which you apply.

Sequence of Trigger in Oracle Form

·         PRE-FORM
·         PRE-BLOCK
·         PRE-TEXT-ITEM
·         KEY-NEXT-ITEM
·         POST-CHANGE
·         POST-TEXT-ITEM
·         POST-BLOCK
·         POST-FORM
·         PRE-LOGOUT
·         ON-LOGOUT
·         POST-LOGOUT

What is ALERT?

An ALERT is a modal window that displays a message notifying operator of some application condition.
There are three styles of alert:
  1. Stop
  2. Caution
  3. Note

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

What is placeholder column: ?

These columns are useful for storing the value in a variable

What is summary column?

For doing summary calculations such as summations etc.

What is Formula Column

For doing mathematical calculations and returning one value

How many types of Columns are there in Reports6i?

There are three types of Columns.
Formula Column: For doing mathematical calculations and returning one value
summary column: For doing summary calculations such as summations etc.
placeholder column: These columns are useful for storing the value in a variable

Can you have more than one layout in One Report?

YES, It is possible to have more than one layout in one Report by using additional layout option in Layout Editor.

Can you run Report without Parameter Form?

YES, yes it is possible to run the report without parameter form by setting the PARAM value to Null.

What are the minimum numbers of groups required for a matrix report?

Four groups
Two or more dimension group:
Dimension group provide the data to be display across or down the page.
One or more cross product group:
Cross product group show all possible combination of value of cross & down the page.
One cell or filter group:
Cell group contain the data that is created by cross product group.

How many types of Parameters are available in Reports?

There are two types of Parameters available in Reports
System Parameter
User Parameter

What is anchor?

Anchors fasten an edge of one object to an edge of another object, ensuring that they maintain their relative positions. For example, you can anchor boilerplate text to the edge of a variable-sized repeating frame, guaranteeing the boilerplate's distance and position in relation to the repeating frame, no matter how the frame's size might change.

What is Flex mode?

Flex is the property of moving the related fields together by setting the flex property on.

What is confine mode?

Child objects cannot be move outside their enclosing parent objects when confine mode is ON.

Profiles option in Oracle APPS?

User Profiles are used
Ø  To set options those affect your applications behavior on your preference.
Ø  A Collection of changeable options that affect the way your applications run.
Ø  Modify Product Specific variables.
Ø  Gives Control over certain Oracle Applications features.
Profile Levels
Ø  Site Level
Ø  Application Level
Ø  Responsibility Level
Ø  User Level

Site Level is the lowest level.

Site: if we set the profile at site level that will be applicable all the users.

Application: If we set the profile value as application it will be applicable to the user who r having access to that specific application. If user is having both access to site and application level then application will overwrite site level.

Responsibility: If we set the profile value as responsibility that will be applicable to the users who r having access to the specific responsibility. If user having access to site, application and responsibility then responsibility will overwrite the site application.

SELECT   fu.user_name,
  FROM   fnd_user fu,
         fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furgd,
         fnd_responsibility_tl frt
 WHERE       fu.user_id = furgd.user_id
         AND furgd.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id
         AND UPPER (fu.user_name) = 'IJ179'
         AND frt.language = 'US'

User: User is top most level. If we set profile value as user. If user having access to site application responsibility user. then user will overwrite site application responsibility.

e.g Profile named as OM: Debug Level is set at user level so it is enabled for all other levels like site, application and responsibility.

MO: Operating Unit is set at responsibility level to set the related operating unit to that responsibility.


Example: There is one profile named as “Responsibility Trust Level” which can set at site level and we can restrict the access of Oracle Apps to a group of users.
Default value for this is ’Normal’ and other values are ‘Administrative, External’.