Friday, 28 June 2013

HZ Tables in Oracle APPS (AR)?

hz_parties (party_id): (store info about org, groups and people)
HZ_PARTIES stores information about parties such as organizations, people, and groups, including the identifying address information for the party.

hz_cust_accounts (cust_account_id):
Account_number -- (called as Customer_number)
HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS stores information about customer relationships. If a party becomes a customer, information about the customer account is stored in this table. You can establish multiple customer relationships with a single party, so each party can have multiple customer account records in this table.

hz_cust_acct_sites_all  (cust_acct_site_id):
HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL stores information about customer sites. One customer account can have multiple sites. The address is maintained in HZ_LOCATIONS.

hz_cust_site_uses_all   (site_use_id):
HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL stores information about site uses or business purposes. A single customer site can have multiple site uses, such as bill to or ship to, and each site use is stored as a record in this table.

hz_party_sites (party_site_id):
HZ_PARTY_SITES stores information about the relationship between Parties and Locations. The same party can have multiple party sites. Physical addresses are stored in HZ_LOCATIONS.

hz_locations (location_id):
HZ_LOCATIONS stores information about physical locations.

hz_Person_Profiles (person_profile_id):
HZ_PERSON_PROFILES stores detail information about people.

hz_Organization_Profiles (organization_profile_id):
HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES stores credit rating, financial statistics, socioeconomic and corporate linkage information for business sites. The primary key for this table is ORGANIZATION_PROFILE_ID.

This table stores the contact details of the customer. The contact details are stored against a site, if owner_table_name is equated against the hz_party_sites table. If it is equated against the hz_parties then the contacts are against the customer not against the customer site.

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